LearnWebinarsHost interactive session in WebinarGeek

Host interactive session in WebinarGeek



15 July 2024 - 7 min

Interactive sessions

One of the most versatile and efficient ways to organize a meeting is through a webinar. But how is an interactive session different from a regular webinar? Let's dive into the benefits of webinars and the unique features of interactive sessions with WebinarGeek.

Benefits of webinars

1. Reach a large audience

Webinars are perfect for reaching a large number of attendees without needing everyone to be physically present. Engage people from around the world without the limitations of travel time and costs.

2. Cost-effective

Since there are no travel and accommodation costs, webinars are a cost-effective way to share information and provide training. All live webinars are automatically recorded, so you can easily share them later for replay. This way, your webinar remains valuable even after it ends.

3. Interactive and engaging

Despite the physical distance, webinars can be very interactive. With tools like polls, Q&A sessions, and chat functions, attendees can stay actively engaged and communicate directly with the presenter. You can see the results of the interactions in the statistics after the webinar has ended and use this valuable viewers’ data. 

4. Easy to organize

Setting up a webinar is simpler than organizing a physical meeting. WebinarGeek has a user-friendly interface that allows you to set up a webinar in just a few steps.

Differences between webinars and interactive sessions

While a traditional webinar often has one or more speakers presenting to viewers, you can also organize an interactive session. But what are the differences and benefits of this interactive format?

1. Everyone can be on stage

In an interactive session, all viewers can come on stage at any time without the host's permission. This makes the session more dynamic and interactive.

2. Screen sharing for everyone

Not only the presenter but also the attendees can share their screens. This is especially useful for workshops, training sessions, or any situation where attendees need to show or explain something.

3. Visibility of attendees

Attendees can see a list of other viewers, enhancing networking opportunities. You can set this up according to your preference.

Hosting an interactive session

Hosting an interactive session is similar to hosting a regular webinar. When it's time, you open the webinar page and start the session. Attendees can then join the stage at any time, share their screens, and see other attendees.

If you want attendees to temporarily not join the stage, you can easily adjust this in the webinar settings. The host maintains full control over the session's dynamics.

Recording and sharing

Just like with regular live webinars, interactive sessions are automatically recorded. This means you can easily share the session with attendees or watch it later.

With the features of interactive sessions, you can organize dynamic meetings. Whether you're hosting a training session, workshop, or large event, an interactive session creates an engaging and interactive experience for all attendees.

Want to learn more about how to organize an interactive session?
Visit Help Center Guide

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