Product update: Automated webinars
25 October 2017 - 3 min
Always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it. Automation is perhaps the greatest example of this. It’s an efficient method of productivity, without actually having to do much in the process. What if we told you we added a new automation feature, so you can both be lazy and productive at the same time?
Starting today, you can organize pre-recorded webinars with the push of a button using our easy planning tool. Allow us to introduce "the automated webinar".
We already announced this feature in our roadmap 2017, and right now you can start using automated webinars using our PRO package. The automated webinar will replace the so-called "pre-recorded" webinar, which is what we always used to call this in WebinarGeek.
It’s a trend to automate a much business processes as possible. In the world of marketing, being able to automate a part of your marketing processes can also be a big help. Automated email sequences or even chat messages with chatbots. For example, a Facebook chatbot to answer common questions customers have. You can now also automate your webinars with WebinarGeek. With our practical planning tool, you will have the ability to broadcast pre-recorded webinars with ease. Minimal effort, maximum result.
What is an automated webinar?
An automated webinar is a previously recorded webinar that is broadcasted as if it were live. Yes, you read that right, as if it were live. Participants experience a live webinar, while in reality, they are watching a recording. You as the host are able to relax, hang out and grab yourself a beverage. During the automated webinar, it is possible to answer questions from viewers using the live chat functionality.
During an automated webinar you use video instead of a live stream. The recorded webinar will be broadcasted on set times. The planning can be edited by you more easily than ever. We developed and updated our planning tool to make the whole process as seamless as possible. Participants will register for a webinar and will experience a live webinar. They have no idea they’re watching a video. Unless you actively tell them, obviously.
What can you do with an automated webinar?
Delivering the perfect message.
When the webinar content will always be the same, you can choose to record the session once and use it multiple times. Without the added tension of a live broadcast, you can now record the perfect presentation.
This perfect presentation can be broadcasted as if it were live at any moment.
Setting up powerful webinar funnels
With the automated webinar, you have the ability to create webinar funnels. Potential customers can participate in the webinars, while you can spend your time on different things.
It’s possible to plan ahead an already recorded webinar. For example, you can broadcast a new webinar session every tuesday and thursday morning at 10AM. The webinar will automatically start at that time. By adding some clever interactions, webinars can work for you instead of having to be physically present. What do you mean, “passive income”?
Scaling up your business
By utilizing automated webinars instead of live webinars, you’ll save time and energy. This can be used to do other stuff now!
Especially when the webinar content is roughly similar every time, you have the ability to free up your time and let the webinar with for you.
Why change the name to "automated webinar"?
With WebinarGeek, you always had the ability to organize a recorded webinar. This process was always totally similar to broadcasting a live webinar. You planned a date and time in advance, started inviting people and made sure you had a recording of your presentation ready.
Back then, a video was also used over a live stream. This webinar started automatically on a set time and participants experienced the session as if it were a live webinar.
Starting today, you can plan these recorded webinars very easily for a longer period of time. There is no longer a need to add a new broadcast manually every time. The planner allows you to automate your funnel, which is why we decided to change the name into the more accurate term "automated webinar".
Check out our Help Center to learn how the automated webinar works and how to set everything up to get everything from your webinar.
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