Product update: HubSpot marketing events trigger
02 June 2022 - 5 min
It’s that time of the month again! Time to update you on the newest features that are added and what you can expect in the upcoming months. Grab a seat and read on.
Multiple payment methods and currencies with Stripe for paid webinars
Do you want to host paid webinars for an international audience? With the new Stripe integration, you can offer more payment methods and currencies than you could with Mollie. It makes it even more accessible for everyone from all over the world.
New HubSpot trigger: marketing events
New trigger alert: HubSpot Marketing events! Synchronize your webinars with HubSpot marketing events through the HubSpot integration. It makes it even easier to track how successful your webinars were. You can (for example) see the attendance rate and the number of subscribers in a clear overview.
See you hosted a successful webinar? It would be a shame not to host it multiple times or repurpose it as an automated or on demand webinar.
Publish your webinars easier
Do you often create a webinar as a test or do you duplicate your webinars? Technically, you don’t need to go through all the steps of the webinar before you publish it then. We’ve now added a new button to the page where you create your webinar, namely *drum rolls*: Publish! This way, you can create webinars that you don’t need to customize even faster. It makes it more convenient if you want to do a quick test or duplicate the webinar.
Next up: Duplicate interactions and evaluation forms
Just like webinars and emails, you can soon duplicate interactions and evaluation forms that you’ve used in other webinars. Is there a Call to action you use often? For example, a link to your website? Soon there will be no need to hassle and do double work. You can then simply choose an interaction or evaluation form you used before. Stay tuned!
Want to know more? Watch the webinar where our CTO Remy explains all the details.
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