Explore the virtual backgrounds

Brown Conch Shell

Brown conch shell

grass mountains

Grass mountains

Northern lights in mountains

Northern lights in the mountains

Sky of stars above snowy mountain

Sky of stars above snowy mountain

Breaking sea wave

Breaking sea wave

Polar lights above a dark forest

Polar lights above dark forest

Golden forest pathway

Golden forest pathway

Clouds resting on mountains

Clouds resting on mountains

Lone starfish in Caribbean sea

Lone starfish in the Caribbean Sea

Ciucas peak in the morning

Ciucas Peak in the morning

village on mountain cliff during orange sunset

Village on mountain cliff during orange sunset

Sunset in Hawaii

Sunset in Hawaii

Hot air balloons in the sky

Hot air balloons in the sky

Sand landscape in Morocco

Sand landscape in Morocco

Blue lake and green shore

Blue lake and green shore

Pathway leading to rock formation

Pathway leading to rock formation

Forest full with yellow trees

Forest full with yellow trees

Waterfall in icy mountain landscape

Waterfall in icy mountain landscape

River beneath the Yosemite cliffs

River beneath the Yosemite cliffs

Niagara Falls during sunset

Niagara Falls during sunrise

Road in dark forest during daytime

Road in dark forest

Tokyo shopping street

Tokyo Shopping Street

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How to add a virtual background

A screenshot from the virtual background library

Pick an image for your webinar from this background library. Or chose one of your own!


Go to your webinar and select the ✨ icon and choose for 'Upload custom background'.


You can even change the virtual background during your webinar. It makes your webinar very dynamic!


A virtual meeting background is an image that serves as the backdrop for a speaker during an online event. Some awesome virtual backgrounds can make it seem like the speaker is up in the mountains or chilling on a beach! However, the most top-notch virtual backgrounds often portray a sleek and professional office environment.

Adding a new virtual meeting background in Google Meet is a breeze. First, select your meeting, then click on "Apply Visual Effects" at the bottom right of your screen. You can either upload a fresh background photo or choose one from a library of past images. Once you hit "Join Now," you're all set to start your online gathering with your new background!

You've got access to WebinarGeek's treasure trove of over 100 free virtual backgrounds for video calls, online events and webinars right here on this website. Feel free to go wild with fun and quirky options for your casual meetings, and switch to more realistic virtual backgrounds when it's time to get down to business. Best part? They're all free, so you can let your imagination run wild!

When it comes to virtual background images in Google Meet, it's ideal to have them sized at 1920 by 1090 pixels or at the classic 16:9 ratio. Additionally, your photo's file size should stay under 16MB, and it should be oriented horizontally (landscape). And remember, only JPG or JPEG files in the sRGB color space are good to go.

To use those free virtual backgrounds in Google Meet, you'll need a 64-bit operating system and a browser that supports Web GL 2.0. If you're a Chrome user, make sure you're rocking version M84 or newer. And for all you Edge enthusiasts, go with version 85 or beyond. Lastly, if you're rolling with Chrome, double-check that Hardware Acceleration is turned on.

If you're hitting a bump in the road with Google Meet's virtual meeting background, here's a nugget of wisdom: more than 90% of issues can be smoothed out by simply toggling your Web Camera off and then on again. Also, be sure to enable Host permissions so that Google can slip the virtual background extension into your call without a hitch.

Explore more virtual backgrounds